Author: Linsi Tuttle

Naperville Estate Planning Lawyer on Preventing Future Inheritance Disputes

Posted on January 24, 2020

disputes, Naperville estate planning attorneys

In my years as an estate planning attorney, I have seen many families suffer through conflicts caused by arguments over inheritance concerns. Not only can a will contest or other estate planning dispute cause contention between loved ones but these conflicts can also be very time consuming and incur considerable expense. While there may be no way to completely prevent arguments over inheritance or other estate planning matters, there are certain steps you can take that will greatly reduce the chances of an estate planning dispute in the future. Do […]

Posted in Estate Planning

Naperville Business Law Attorney Talks About the Usefulness of Non-Disclosure Agreements

Posted on January 20, 2020

non-disclosure, Naperville business contract lawyer

In my practice as a business law attorney, I am often asked about various types of agreements and contracts, including employment contracts, non-compete agreements, and confidentiality agreements. There has always been some measure of confusion in the general public about agreements such as these, but confidentiality agreements can be especially complicated. A confidentiality agreement may also be called a non-disclosure agreement, NDA, confidential disclosure agreement, proprietary information agreement, or a secrecy agreement. When used properly, an NDA can be a valuable tool for business owners. An Unfair Reputation for a […]

Posted in Business Law

Naperville Estate Planning Attorney on How a No-Contest Clause Could Prevent Your Will From Being Challenged

Posted on January 15, 2020

no-contest, Naperville estate planning attorneys

When an individual dies with a will or trust in place, the decedent’s surviving loved ones have an opportunity to contest, or challenge, the estate planning document. A will or trust should only be contested if the surviving loved ones have a reason to believe that the will was not valid. For example, if they believe that the will was written under force or duress or they have reason to think the will is fraudulent, these are grounds for contesting the will. However, sometimes people contest a will simply because […]

Posted in Estate Planning

Naperville Business Attorney on Handling Negative Online Reviews

Posted on January 6, 2020

review, Naperville business lawyer

It was not all that long ago that when you would visit a restaurant, your server would hand you a customer satisfaction survey card and ask you to complete it. At the time, such cards were about the only way for the restaurant—or any other small business—to gauge how well the business was serving its customers. If you own a business today, you know all too well that the internet has completely replaced paper customer surveys. In fact, we have reached the point that a person can offer his or […]

Posted in Business Law

Naperville Business Lawyer Discusses Ways to Help Grow Your Small Business

Posted on January 2, 2020

grow, Naperville business law attorney

There is absolutely no question that owning and running your own business takes a great deal of hard work and focused dedication. In addition, owners of small and medium-sized businesses must also be constantly trying to think of new ways to ensure that their companies enjoy continued success. If you own a small business, you should always be trying to come up with ideas that will help your business grow. This means you need to consider how you will expand your customer base and increase your revenues. As a business […]

Posted in Business Law

Naperville Business Lawyer on Why You Should Take the Time to Tune Up Your Business

Posted on December 31, 2019

business, Naperville business lawyer

As anyone who owns a car, truck, boat, camper, or any other type of vehicle will tell you, regular maintenance is crucial in keeping the vehicle running properly. You need to change the oil, inspect the brakes, replace fuel filters, and complete a variety of other checks every so often. This idea is so well known that even those who do not get maintenance work done understand that there are risks involved with skipping maintenance for too long. In many ways, the same is true for your business. Regular reviews […]

Posted in Business Law

Naperville Business Lawyer Talks About Avoiding Wrongful Termination Lawsuits

Posted on December 30, 2019

termination, Naperville business law attorney

For many business owners, there is nothing they dread more than firing an employee. Although television and movies would lead many to believe that employers and bosses, in general, are callous and power-hungry, the vast majority of business owners truly want their employees to be happy and successful. However, when an employee cannot fulfill his or her work duties adequately, violates company policy, or is untrustworthy, an employer may have no other choice than to fire the employee. It is essential that employers take steps to make sure the termination […]

Posted in Business Law

Naperville Business Law Attorney Discusses Important Employment Law Changes Taking Effect in 2020

Posted on December 24, 2019

new laws, Naperville business law attorneys

As the old saying goes, “nothing is constant except change.” There are more than 250 Illinois law changes and new laws that will take effect on January 1, 2020. Several of these changes will directly affect business owners and employers so it is important to make sure you are up to speed and ready to implement any changes necessary to avoid violating these laws. As a business law attorney, I am prepared to help you learn about the legislative changes taking effect in Illinois and how you can stay compliant […]

Posted in Business Law

Naperville Business Lawyer on Smart Financial Moves for Small Business Owners

Posted on December 18, 2019

small business, DuPage County business law attorneys

For small business owners, making intelligent financial decisions is essential for success. Studies show that an astounding eight out of ten new small business owners fail within the first year and a half of starting their business. Many of these businesses go bankrupt because the owner made major mistakes with how he or she managed finances. Whether it is overestimating future profits, underestimating expenses, or not accounting for taxes, money mistakes can cost a business owner his or her livelihood. In my practice as a business law attorney, I help […]

Posted in Business Law

Naperville Estate Planning Lawyer Discusses Special Estate Planning Concerns Unmarried Couples Should Keep in Mind

Posted on December 11, 2019

unmarried, Naperville estate planning attorney

For a variety of reasons, more and more adults are choosing not to get married. Approximately 18 million unmarried Americans were cohabitating in 2016 and that number is expected to continue to rise. If you and your partner are unmarried, you may wonder how this will affect your estate plans. Because the law does not recognize cohabitation the way it does marriage, it is crucial for unmarried couples to create an estate plan that dictates their wishes regarding property, healthcare decisions, and other concerns. There are special estate planning challenges […]

Posted in Estate Planning

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