Author: Linsi Tuttle
Study: Nearly Three-Fourths of Small Businesses Plan to Use Social Media Marketing to Grow Their Business
Posted on June 4, 2019

There are few social phenomena that have been as fast-growing and ubiquitous as social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. In the past few decades, we have watched as social media evolved from simply a way for college students to post spring break pictures to a worldwide network of students, parents, professionals, and businesses. For years, social media pages only included individuals’ personal profiles, but now we are seeing more and more businesses creating Facebook pages and other social network profiles. If you are a business owner […]
Naperville Business Lawyer on Discount Store’s Planned Changes
Posted on May 31, 2019

When you tell someone that you are going to the “dollar store” to pick up a few things, you might be referring to one of a few different retail outlets. It not uncommon for people to refer to discount stores like Family Dollar or Dollar General as dollar stores—ostensibly due to the inclusion of the word “dollar” in their names. While these outlets are generally considered discount stores with prices that lower than typical department stores or even some big-box stores, they offer merchandise at a variety of price points. […]
Naperville Business Lawyer Discusses Unique Aspects of Family Business
Posted on May 29, 2019

As a business law attorney and a business owner, I understand that owning a business can be one of the most fulfilling and exciting professional experiences a person has. Sometimes, an individual invests their time and money into building a business in order to sell the business for profit. In other cases, a person might have a business idea and then grow that idea into a thriving family business that can be passed down to their children and grandchildren. Of course, starting a successful family business from scratch is not […]
Naperville Lawyer Discusses Some of the Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes
Posted on May 24, 2019

Estate planning is similar to flossing, eating healthy, and doing your taxes. We know it is a necessary task which has great benefit, but we sometimes procrastinate or find reasons not to do it. In fact, less than half of Americans have a will, trust, or other estate planning instrument in place. In my experience as an estate planning attorney, I have met many people who I could tell were hesitant to delve into the world of estate planning. I have also seen the peace of mind and pride these […]
Naperville Business Law Attorney Discusses Tips for Selling a Business
Posted on May 21, 2019

Being a small business owner can be an exciting and fulfilling career, but not everyone chooses to keep the same business for years and years. If you have decided to sell your business, you may have already realized that it can be quite the undertaking. Selling a small business can be a complex and time-consuming process. As a small business owner myself, I realize that there is no perfect way to go about it, but experts do encourage would-be sellers to consider the following strategies. Start Preparing Earlier Than You […]
Naperville Business Lawyer on Strategies for an Effective Employee Code of Conduct
Posted on May 15, 2019

If you are a small business owner, you probably already know that one of the most essential elements of a successful company is a capable team of employees who represent the business in a positive light. One way you can clarify the expectations you have for employees is through an employee code of conduct. A code of conduct is different from a company code of ethics and deals more specifically with the behavior expected of staff, as well as behavior which is unacceptable. An employee code of conduct can be […]
Are You Concerned About the Validity of Your Loved One’s Will?
Posted on May 14, 2019

The purpose of a Last Will and Testament, trust, or other estate planning tools should always be to ensure that a loved one’s final wishes and inheritance directions are followed. However, sometimes there are questions about the validity or enforceability of a person’s will. Elderly individuals or those with illnesses that affect cognition can be taken advantage of by people who wish to gain financial benefit by manipulating them. Other individuals can be tricked or forced into signing a will that they would normally have approved. In situations like this, […]
Naperville Business Lawyer Talks About Driver Strike Just Days Before Uber IPO
Posted on May 9, 2019

Over the last few years, few companies have made international headlines as often as Uber has. Every few months, it seems, another controversy arises involving the San Francisco-based technology company. Some of the issues have been related to the safety of self-driving Uber vehicles while others have focused on misconduct and sexual harassment allegations at Uber’s headquarters. The most frequently talked about concern, however, is the relationship between the company and its drivers. As a business law attorney, I am especially aware that all of the pieces of a company […]
Naperville Business Lawyer Discusses How to Improve Employee Morale
Posted on May 7, 2019

As a business owner, employee satisfaction and retention are probably among your top priorities. Not only are contented employees more efficient at their job and more enjoyable to work with, keeping employee turnover low helps save you money over the long run. According to various studies, the average cost of losing an employee is 21 percent of that employee’s annual salary. If you can retain the same employees year after year, you avoid costly and time-consuming hiring and training. Read on to learn about some of the best ways to […]