Author: Linsi Tuttle
Know When to Revise Your Will & Estate Plan
Posted on December 13, 2022

Writing a will is not a one-time event. Life is full of changes, and it is very likely that you will need to modify your will to account for these changes. It is recommended to review your will every five years to make sure it still reflects your wishes. Anything from changes in your family to changes in state law can influence your will and other estate planning documents. Reviewing and updating estate plans tends to be one of those tasks that gets put at the bottom of the priority […]
Outsourced General Counsel for Small Business Owners
Posted on December 8, 2022

If you are a business owner or business leader, an investment worth making is a relationship with a skilled outsourced general counsel (OGC). Many businesses neglect this critical step and only contact a lawyer once they are already facing legal issues. Unfortunately, the damage to the company’s reputation and bottom line is often already done by the time a business contacts an attorney. Building a relationship with an OGC before a legal issue arises can help you prevent legal problems such as contract disputes, intellectual property infringement, and other costly […]
Get Your Charitable Giving Done Before The New Year
Posted on December 1, 2022

There are so many worthwhile charitable causes you can contribute to that help people, animals, and the environment in many needed ways. Helping others is part of being human – it makes the world a better place for all of us. There are also tax advantages associated with charitable giving that can help you financially. So, it is truly a win-win situation. There is still time to get your charitable giving before the end of the year so it qualifies on your upcoming tax return. Read on to learn about […]
Talk About Death Openly To Make Things Easier For Your Loved Ones
Posted on November 29, 2022

Many people shy away from discussing death openly, but it is something that should be talked about as a part of life. Talking about your eventual passing ensures that everyone who cares about you knows how to best deal with things once you do pass away. Death can happen to anyone at any time, so it is important to have some ideas regarding funeral and burial services and what you want to be done for your children, pets, and important assets. When loved ones understand your wishes, they do not […]
Why You Should Seek Legal Advice for Your Business
Posted on November 17, 2022

Small and mid-size businesses enjoy many advantages when compared to larger companies. Unfortunately, however, being a smaller company does not exempt the company from the same legal risks and challenges as your larger counterparts. In fact, in some ways, being a smaller company can actually put you at greater risk. Many well-meaning business owners assume that their business is too small to incur the normal turmoil of larger businesses. It is only when a legal issue does arise that they recognize the severity of the situation. As more regulatory and […]
Should Your Home Be In A Trust?
Posted on November 15, 2022

When property is held in a trust, the grantor gives another party, called a trustee, the right to control and manage the property for the benefit of a third party, called a beneficiary. A trust can be created during the grantor’s lifetime or after his or her death. Trusts are valuable estate planning tools with a wide range of possible uses. Trusts can be used to control how property is managed and distributed, minimize estate taxes, bypass probate, protect assets from creditors, and more. Some people put their homes in […]
Key Steps to Negotiate Successfully
Posted on November 10, 2022

Negotiations are a huge component of any small or medium-sized business. If you are a business owner or business leader, you probably negotiate the terms of business relationships, sales agreements, employee contracts, and other matters on a near-daily basis. Knowing how to negotiate effectively can help your business in many different ways. Negotiation Strategies for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses When it comes to business transactions, negotiations are often complex and multi-faceted. As a business leader, you need to be able to navigate these waters effectively in order to get the […]
Plan How To Best Distribute Items To Family And Friends
Posted on November 8, 2022

One of the greatest gifts you can give your family is detailed information about how to distribute your property upon your death. It can be a daunting task for surviving loved ones to take care of things once you have passed away. The more information you can provide in advance, the better. You may wish to leave some decisions to their discretion but leave detailed directions for certain items. The specifics are up to you, but getting a blueprint from you will help your loved ones get through the process […]
Steps To Follow When Your Business is Dealing With Legal Issues
Posted on November 3, 2022

Ideally, legal issues would be prevented through measured, proactive action. However, even the most diligent business owners or leaders can find themselves facing a serious legal issue. Some of the most common legal issues involving small and medium-sized businesses include contract disputes, intellectual property issues, employment law compliance, and regulatory problems. If your business is involved in any type of legal issue, it is important to take quick and decisive action to protect your interests. The following are some key steps to follow. How to Handle Legal Problems in Your […]
Retaining & Attracting Talent
Posted on October 25, 2022

Attracting and retaining top talent is an increasingly vital issue for employers. “Help wanted” and “hiring” signs are everywhere. One recent survey found that an astounding 78 percent of businesses are currently understaffed. Employers are trying to hire qualified employees while employees are simultaneously trying to find the best jobs with the best salaries and benefits. This has led to a situation where good employees are in high demand and difficult to find. Workers are realizing that they want a better work/life balance, higher pay, better benefits, more flexibility, and […]