Author: Linsi Tuttle
Let Your Customers Know You Are Doing Your Best
Posted on September 13, 2022

To say that times are tough for business owners right now is to massively understate the challenges facing small and mid-sized businesses across the country. Businesses are plagued with staffing shortages, supply chain interruptions resulting in delays and shortages, and lingering financial effects caused by the pandemic. The stress caused by these issues affects both businesses and the customers they serve. One survey showed that 87 percent of consumers have been negatively impacted by supply shortages and delays. Consumers reported feeling frustrated, anxious, and angry due to these issues. Concerningly, […]
How Do You Include Non-Family Members In Your Will?
Posted on September 8, 2022

Many assume that heirs named in a will are always direct blood relatives of the testator. However, for many, the most important individuals in their lives are not relatives. Furthermore, some people no longer have living relatives. If you have people in your life who are deeply important to you but are not family members, you may be wondering how to include them in your will. There are a few different ways to do this, and the best way for you may depend on your specific circumstances. Proper estate planning […]
Combating Labor Shortages in Manufacturing
Posted on September 6, 2022

Labor shortages have affected many industries, but few as harshly as the manufacturing industry. In our modern world, manufacturing jobs require not only operational know-how but also substantial digital expertise. Workers with the necessary skillsets are rare, and many who do have the necessary skills have moved on from manufacturing jobs to positions with higher pay, better benefits, or more flexibility. Increased costs and supply chain disruptions caused by lockdowns and the Russia-Ukraine war are only exacerbating problems in the manufacturing industry. Employers in the manufacturing industry are now faced […]
Would Your Business Get Top Dollar in a Sale?
Posted on August 30, 2022

Would you like to get top dollar for your business when you eventually sell it? If so, you will need to start preparing now. It usually takes about five years to get a business ready for sale, so the sooner you start, the better. Many business owners fail to think about how to increase the business’s value before putting it on the market. This mistake can cost you dearly. Whether you plan to sell soon or you are simply readying your business for a possible sale in the future, it […]
Being Prepared for Where Life Takes You
Posted on August 26, 2022

We know how fragile life is just by hearing the news of the world each day. We often don’t think how directly that can hit us, though, and the simple steps we can take to prepare for it. Ensuring your family knows where important documents and passwords are, discussing end-of-life wishes with loved ones, and notifying your family of your funeral and burial preferences can greatly decrease the legal, financial, and emotional difficulties associated with your passing. Benefits of Having Difficult Discussions with Your Loved Ones A recent study demonstrated […]
Safe, Updated Data Management is Essential To Business Success
Posted on August 23, 2022

As a small or mid-size business, it’s imperative that you have a consistent, thorough, and secure process for gathering, storing, and interpreting data. This is crucial to staying ahead of competitors, making informed decisions, and protecting employee and client information. Hacking is more common than ever. Data breaches exposed an astounding 22 billion records last year alone. Cyberattacks can cause legal issues and frustrations for not only you, but also your customers and clients. If you have been putting off securing your system, you should put it to the top […]
In A Digital World, Do You Have Your Passwords & Security Set-Ups Accessible to Those Who May Need Them?
Posted on August 11, 2022

The internet has revolutionized the world in countless ways. Before the last few decades, most people handled their banking needs at an actual bank. They saved important documents in a drawer or filing cabinet. Family photographs were organized in photo albums. These days, almost everyone uses digital and internet-based programs to manage their lives. If you are like most people, you probably have social media accounts, cloud storage, email, online banking and financial services, tax-filing software like TurboTax, or even cryptocurrency. A crucial aspect of estate planning is ensuring that […]
What Happens to The House When Someone Moves to a Nursing Home?
Posted on August 4, 2022

Millions of adults move into nursing homes as they get older. If you are planning to move into a long-term care facility, assisted living facility, or nursing home or you intend to move an aging relative to a facility, you may have many questions. Most people in your position wonder what will happen to the nursing home resident’s home when he or she moves to a nursing home. Will the home be sold? Will the home pass to the homeowner’s beneficiaries? Can proceeds from the home sale be used to […]
Is Your Anti-Discrimination & Cultural Training Up to Today’s Standards?
Posted on August 2, 2022

The United States is often referred to as a “melting pot.” Few other countries are as diverse as the U.S., and many small and medium-sized businesses reflect this. Companies with employees of varied backgrounds, cultures, genders, and ethnicities benefit from workers’ unique life experiences and perspectives. Originality, creativity, and outside-the-box thinking are just some of the advantages associated with a diverse workforce. Businesses staffed with employees of differing life experiences are also less likely to get caught up in groupthink which leads to suboptimal business practices and stagnation. Unfortunately, discrimination […]