Author: Linsi Tuttle
What Will Happen to My Tax Obligations if Joe Biden is Elected President?
Posted on August 19, 2020

On Tuesday, the second day of the Democratic National Convention, former Vice President Joe Biden was officially nominated as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate for the upcoming election in November. The nomination comes as no surprise, since Biden’s last remaining primary opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, suspended his own bid for the presidency in early April. Biden, along with his running mate Senator Kamala Harris of California, hopes to unseat President Donald Trump who is finishing his first term in office. Over the last few weeks, as it was […]
Should I Open My Own Business?
Posted on August 15, 2020

Are you tired of working hard so that someone else can earn a few extra dollars in profit? Would it not be more gratifying if your extra hard work resulted in more money in your own pocket instead? Almost everyone who has ever punched a clock has dreamed of opening his or her own business one day, yet only a small percentage ever take the leap and make their dreams a reality. In my practice as a business law attorney, I have helped hundreds of prospective business owners objectively analyze […]
5 Tips That Could Help You Avoid a Will Contest
Posted on August 13, 2020

As uncomfortable as it may be for many people to think about what will happen to their property and assets after their death, estate planning is crucial to providing loved ones with security and peace of mind. Sadly, when a loved one passes away, families are often fractured by disputes over the decedent’s estate, sometimes leading to years of tension between family members who were once very close. In some cases, a would-be beneficiary feels so slighted that he or she decides to initiate a will contest and take the […]
4 Tips on How to Prevent and Deter Employee Theft
Posted on August 6, 2020

When you own a company, you have probably invested a great deal in the products or services that you offer. Similarly, hiring, training, and professionally developing a team of employees requires significant investment as well. Across the country and around the world, however, employee theft and fraud present serious problems for small business owners, collectively costing companies billions of dollars. As a business law attorney, I understand the impact the actions of your staff can have on your business and my team can help you develop a strategy for deterring […]
Why You Should Develop an Exit Strategy from Your Business
Posted on August 3, 2020

Rationally, you know that you will not be able to continue running your business forever. Depending on your age, health, and passion for your work, you may be ready to step away from day-to-day operations sooner than later. As an accomplished business law attorney, I have helped hundreds of clients start new companies with the hopes of being financially successful. From the very beginning, I encourage every aspiring entrepreneur to go into the process with a plan for getting out. Without an exit strategy, you could be leaving far too […]
Which Business Entity Is Best for My Illinois Company?
Posted on July 28, 2020

If you are an entrepreneur, you are considering building your own startup, or you would like to change your business’s structure, you should know the options available to you. There are a number of different business structures from which you can choose, but they may not all be the right fit. You should select your business entity after looking at the size of your business, the number of owners and partners, the goals for your company, and what you want your future to look like. While it is important to […]
How Does Getting Remarried Affect My Estate Planning?
Posted on July 24, 2020

The legal practice area known as “estate planning” is an umbrella term to cover what you want to have happen upon your death. The paperwork that outlines your wishes can include a number of tools, such as paperwork designating who receives what, information on which medical treatments you do or do not want to be performed, and naming someone to be in charge of the asset distribution process. Some clients choose to utilize all of these estate planning tools, while others may rely on one to have their wishes followed. […]
Can I Evict a Commercial Tenant Who Fails to Pay Rent in Illinois?
Posted on July 20, 2020

There is often the false assumption that landlords are unreasonable and unforgiving, kicking their tenants out at the first sign of a late rent payment. These businessmen and businesswomen get a bad rap for taking legal action against their tenants, yet many forget that landlords are dependent upon their tenants’ rent money to make ends meet. This is an evident issue going on throughout Illinois since COVID-19 first made its mark. Since society essentially shut down for the past few months, many people were left unemployed and unable to pay […]
Does My Family Business Need a Succession Plan?
Posted on July 9, 2020

Mom-and-pop stores and restaurants have been the foundation of the United States since the country’s origin. Many Americans pride themselves on their work and ability to support their families, with additional fulfillment given to those who do this by running their own business. In the best-case scenarios, family businesses will be passed down from generation to generation. While it may seem straightforward to hand your business off to one of your children, you should still have a plan set in place so that things transition smoothly and your business remains […]
What Happens If I Die Without a Will in Illinois?
Posted on July 8, 2020

The creation of a will can be one of the most important legal decisions you will ever make; however, many people put this critical document on the backburner. Life circumstances can get in the way, as your first job may quickly lead you to marriage and children, and before you know it, your kids are off to college. Legal professionals always advise people to formulate their will early in life, continuing to edit the details as life changes. This is especially pertinent during these tumultuous times as COVID-19 runs rampant, […]