Business Law
The Importance of Tax Planning for Business Owners
Posted on April 13, 2021

Similar to last year, the individual tax filing deadline has been extended by the federal government. This year, the deadline was pushed back to May 17, 2021, which means that taxpayers have about four weeks to finish their tax returns and send them to the Internal Revenue Service. For an individual, putting off tax planning can lead to major stress and costly late fees. However, failing to prioritize tax planning is an even greater problem for business owners. If you own a business, the importance of proper tax planning cannot […]
How Outsourced General Counsel Can Protect Your Business from Legal Surprises
Posted on April 6, 2021

The advantages associated with business ownership are numerous. Owning a business allows you to design your company according to your own aspirations, be your own boss, and exercise your innovative prowess on a daily basis. However, business ownership also leaves a business owner vulnerable to legal pitfalls. As a business owner, it is crucial that you prepare for the legal concerns that are bound to arise. One of the best ways that you can protect yourself from adverse legal surprises and set your business up for continued success is to […]
Four Areas in Which a Manufacturing Lawyer Can Help Your Business
Posted on March 30, 2021

When you think about small to medium-sized businesses, what comes to mind? Do you picture “mom-and-pop” clothing shops or maybe trendy, locally-owned restaurants? Perhaps you envision something more “white-collar,” such as tax preparation companies or insurance agencies. All of these, of course, are great examples of small and mid-sized businesses, but there is another type of company that many people tend to overlook: those that comprise the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing businesses come in all shapes and sizes, and they are responsible for making many products and product components that we […]
Important Considerations When Choosing Managers to Lead Your Employees
Posted on March 23, 2021

When you own a business that relies on a staff of employees, you need someone to manage the staff. Depending on the size of your business, your hours of operation, and other factors, you might be able to fulfill the role of manager yourself, but this option is simply not feasible in many situations. This means you will most likely need to select one or more individuals who are capable of keeping your business running properly and leading your team on your behalf. While this might sound easy enough, recent […]
How Collaborations With Other Companies Could Help Grow Your Business
Posted on March 9, 2021

When many people think about business ownership, they often consider a situation in which the owner of the business is on his or her own, trying to make the company work. Collaboration, however, is a critical part of today’s business landscape. On a personal level, we look out for our friends and neighbors, and the same can be true in the business world. There are a variety of ways for small-business owners to join forces, allowing them to exchange ideas, inspire product development, and grow their revenues. Networking Promotes Learning […]
The Importance of Business Succession Planning
Posted on March 4, 2021

If you are a business owner, you probably have an idea of what your company will look like in five years. But, what about in 10 years or 20 years? Will you still be in charge of the day-to-day operations or will you have handed the reins over to a successor—possibly even your own child or another member of your family. Assuming that you do not sell or close your business, you will, at some point, need to consider who you want stepping into your shoes as driving force behind […]
How to Choose the Right Partner for Your Business Venture
Posted on February 23, 2021

Selecting a partner to join with you in a business venture is, in many ways, similar to choosing someone to date and eventually marry. In fact, you will probably spend more waking hours in an average week with your business partner than you do with your spouse, making the decision all the more important to get right. And, like marriages, most business partnerships begin with excitement, high hopes, and starry-eyed visions of the future, yet many end with bitterness, acrimony, and broken relationships. In my practice as a business formation […]
Helpful Strategies for Managing Your Business During Tough Times
Posted on February 18, 2021

If you own and operate a business, you have undoubtedly witnessed the reality that the market is often cyclical. In some industries, certain times of the year are busier than others. For example, if you run a business that provides educational resources and tutoring, you are going to be the busiest during the school year. In other sectors, your company’s operating tempo may be dependent on factors such as commodity prices, consumer confidence, and the health of the global economy. A real estate agency, for example, may experience harder times […]
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