Business Law
Naperville Business Lawyer on Possible Remedies for Breach of Contract Claims
Posted on November 20, 2019

As a business lawyer and a proud business owner, I realize that small and medium-sized businesses represent the backbone of the American economy. Such companies, in turn, rely on various types of business contracts to keep them running properly. Contracts are used to formalize purchase agreements, loans, employer-employee relationships, and a wide variety of other applications. When you sign a contract, you do so with several expectations. First, you expect that you will comply with the terms and provisions of the agreement. Just as importantly, you expect the other party […]
Naperville Business Lawyer on Common Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Business
Posted on November 13, 2019

Making the decision to sell a business is never easy. If you are a business owner, you have probably invested a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort into running the company. You might be interested in selling the business because you are ready to retire, you want to move on to new business ventures, or because you are simply ready for a change. Whatever your reasons may be, selling a business can be a complicated process. In my practice as a business law attorney, I have helped many clients […]
Naperville Contract Attorney Discusses Lawsuit Over Concert Tickets, Start Time
Posted on November 11, 2019
When you buy a ticket to a concert, show, or sporting event, you begin making plans to attend. Your ticket gives you certain considerations—such as a guaranteed seat—and you give the ticket agent your money. In many ways, an event ticket is essentially a type of contract. In my practice as a business law and contract lawyer, I deal with various types of contracts virtually every day. An event ticket, however, is a rather unique type of contract—if you can even call it a contract. Whether or not an event […]
What You Should Know About Non-Disclosure Agreements
Posted on November 1, 2019

In my practice as a business law attorney, I am regularly asked by my clients about ways that they can protect their businesses. While there are many different strategies that could be used to afford your company various levels of protection, one of the more common ways is the use of non-disclosure agreements or NDAs. There has always been a bit of confusion in the general population about exactly what the purpose of an NDA is and when to use such an agreement. Non-disclosure agreements, also known as also known […]
Naperville Business Law Attorney Talks About Good Hiring Practices for Your Small Business
Posted on October 31, 2019

Large, multinational companies always seem to be hiring. Proof of this can be seen in a typical Walmart where touchscreen application kiosks have replaced resumes and cover letters. Of course, a large company like Walmart may have a constant need for new employees, but it is also better insulated against hiring mistakes. As a small business owner, hiring the wrong person can be quite costly, and the process itself can consume valuable time and resources. Fortunately, with the help of a qualified business law attorney, there are some things you […]
Naperville Business Lawyer on Effective Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policies
Posted on October 28, 2019

While most businesses have anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies in place, many still face harassment or discrimination lawsuits because they fail to enforce those policies. More often than not, these are for repeat incidents that have, for one reason or another, gone unresolved. However, a recent report from the Bureau of National Affairs suggests that there are more single incident cases today than there were just mere years ago, and that can mean serious trouble for employers who fall short in providing a safe workplace environment for all. In my practice […]
Naperville Business Lawyer Discusses Plans for Unique Former Headquarters of Multi-Level Marketing Basket Company
Posted on October 22, 2019

In the age of social media, multi-level marketing companies seem to be more prevalent than ever before. For people of a certain age, it is nearly impossible to scroll through Facebook without seeing at least one friend or acquaintance posting about the cosmetics, essential oils, kitchen gadgets, or dietary supplements that changed their life—and they are offering you the same opportunity! Even better, you can become a consultant/associate/team member as well, and make enough money to quit your day job! As a business law attorney, I am as skeptical as […]
Naperville Business Lawyer Discusses Lawsuit Over Taco Bell Ad Disclaimer
Posted on October 17, 2019

As a business owner and a business law attorney, I understand how important it is to be honest and straightforward with my clients. Doing so should be a high priority for any business owner. When you own a franchise, however, things are often a little more complicated. Take, for example, the disclaimer that is read at the end of virtually every advertisement for a specific item at any national chain restaurant—the part where the voiceover announcer states, “At participating locations only; price and participation may vary.” Ads like these are […]
Naperville Business Law Attorney Talks About Hiring Help for the Winter Holiday Season
Posted on October 8, 2019

Now that summer is over and the kids are back to school, most people who celebrate the “typical” holidays are preparing for Halloween. While retailers’ shelves are full of orange and black decorations, spooky costumes, and sweet treats, you might have started to see the first signs of Christmas merchandise as well. For the average person, it may seem far too early to begin thinking about Christmas, but for many businesses—especially those associated with retail—it really is time to start preparing for the winter holiday season. As a business law […]
Naperville Business Lawyer Discusses the Success of Spooky Seasonal Pop-Up Stores
Posted on October 2, 2019

We have officially made it to October. For many people, the month of October is seen as the transition from summer to autumn, complete with falling leaves, campfires, and pumpkin spice lattes. For others, however, the arrival of October means just one thing: Halloween is right around the corner. If you are already getting excited in anticipation of scary celebrations, you are not alone. In fact, Americans spent almost $9 billion on Halloween purchases last year. While some of the spending went toward candy and treats, nearly $6 billion was […]
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