How to Be the Boss You Always Wished You Had in a Swiftly Changing Work Landscape
The workplace dynamic has shifted dramatically in the last few years. More and more employees are leaving their jobs for positions they feel better fit their personal needs and professional goals. The so-called “Great Resignation” has left many employers short-staffed and unsure how to proceed. Simultaneously, many companies are developing long-term work-from-home and remote work policies. Workers and managers have been forced to reevaluate their methodologies and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.
As younger employees grow in their careers and become leaders, they are forced to contend with some of the same issues and challenges their former bosses dealt with. However, they are also presented with the opportunity to be the type of boss they always wished they had. Being a good boss is not as simple as it may seem – especially during these challenging times. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of a business leadership position and set your business up for continued success.
People Leave Bosses, Not Jobs
Nearly 50 million people left their jobs in 2021. Some left for better pay or more flexible work schedules. Others left because they decided to go back to school or make a major career change. Statistics show that a huge percentage of people quit their positions because of bad managers and employers. In one survey, a shocking 82 percent of workers across multiple industries reported that they would quit their jobs because of poor management. Micromanaging, disrespectful attitudes toward staff, and lack of transparency were just some of the issues workers cited as reasons they have or would leave a job.
Poor management is not only a major factor in employee turnover, it also affects the company’s bottom line, wastes resources, and harms company culture and team morale.
Being a Good Leader in 2022
Effective leadership in 2022 is harder than ever. Companies are still coming to terms with the massive changes arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, dealing with supply chain issues, and figuring out how to keep their company profitable during record-high inflation. Managers must handle these complex, unfamiliar issues while simultaneously providing the leadership and guidance staff need.
Keeping workers motivated and focused is no easy task. Experts suggest that managers, supervisors, and other staff in leadership positions should frequently check in with staff and find out what is working and what is not working. Ask the staff which ideas, projects, or tasks make them excited and motivated. Make sure to listen to their problems and concerns as well.
Managing workers during one of the most difficult periods in modern history also requires a tremendous amount of compassion and understanding. Millions of workers are suffering from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, and studies show that these issues are only escalating. A good boss truly cares for his or her staff and knows how to find the right balance between being too hard on employees and letting staff walk all over them. They provide flexibility when appropriate and find ways to ensure that staff feel valued and appreciated.
Contact a Naperville Business Law Attorney
The Naperville business lawyers at the Gierach Law Firm provide skilled legal counsel for business owners and business leaders alike. Our talented staff can assist with business formation, contract drafting and review, breach of contract, legal disputes, mergers and acquisitions, tax planning, and more. Call 630-756-1160 for a confidential consultation today.
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