Naperville Business Attorney on How Social Media Mistakes Can Damage Your Small Business

social media, Naperville business law attorneysSocial media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have not only revolutionized the way we communicate with each other, but also the way businesses communicate with customers. Many businesses have Facebook pages with information about their product or service as well as ways for potential or existing customers to contact a company representative. Other businesses choose not to use social media quite so extensively. Whatever your engagement with social media, it is important for all business owners to make sure any social media they use is helping the business, not hurting it.

Throughout my years as a business law attorney, I have been asked about ways to use social media networks to gain new customers and build brand awareness. The answer is that social media can be a wonderful tool, but it is not without its risks.

Making Political Statements Can Be Dangerous

More than ever, corporations are allowing their values and political beliefs be known publicly. Sometimes this can result in praise and increased business while other times getting political backfires terribly. In January of 2017, taxi drivers in New York went on strike to protest immigration legislation proposed by President Trump. The ride-sharing company Uber decided to promote their service during the strike by suspending its well-known “surge” pricing and posting about it on Twitter. Many people viewed the company’s actions as a political statement backing the legislation and an attempt to undermine the strike. As a result, thousands of former Uber users posted the hashtag #DeleteUber and vowed to use the ride-sharing service Lyft instead.

Spelling and Grammatical Errors Make Your Company Look Unprofessional

When potential customers are looking for a particular service or product, it is likely that they will take to the internet to research their options. When companies have social media pages or websites that contain grammar and spelling mistakes, it can easily prompt the potential customer to click away. If you do choose to use internet marketing in your business, always double-check that your posts are accurate and well-written.

Make Sure Your Social Media Accounts Are Secure

When something is posted on the internet, it exists forever. Even if a company mistakenly posts a message and then swiftly deletes it, the message can still be recovered. Only employees you trust should be given passwords and access to social media pages. Business owners should also take steps to educate employees about cybersecurity and should also monitor social media accounts closely. Frequently updating permissions and changing passwords can help prevent passwords from falling into the wrong hands.

Contact a DuPage County Business Law Attorney

The experienced Naperville business law attorneys at the Gierach Law Firm provide comprehensive business law services for clients throughout the Chicago area. Call us at 630-756-1160 to schedule a consultation today.




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