Tag: business law
Keeping Employment Matters Under Control
Posted on April 12, 2022

Businesses across the country are dealing with staffing issues during these unprecedented times. As a business owner, having proper documentation can prevent many different issues with staff. Providing your staff with clear job descriptions, goals, employment conditions, reviews, handbooks, and other employment materials helps them understand their responsibilities. Ultimately, proper documentation helps grow your business. Furthermore, having things in order and properly documented can make transitions easier and help you avoid lawsuits down the road. Business owners and partners often find that having an outsourced general counsel can help address […]
Do You Have a Succession Plan in Place for Essential Leaders?
Posted on April 5, 2022

Every business should have a succession plan and exit strategy to prepare for the owner/leader’s retirement, sale of the company, or changes in key management positions. The importance of a business succession plan is especially important during the Great Resignation. Business leaders and business owners should consider: Who would replace critical people on your staff? Who would take over the business if the owner or a key member of the business retires, becomes ill, or dies? These questions need to be asked now to avoid a crisis later. There are […]
What Are the Top Legal Issues That Small and Mid-Size Businesses Face?
Posted on March 15, 2022

Every business will encounter legal concerns that will need to be addressed. Determining the best ways to handle these issues can often be difficult for small businesses or mid-size companies. These companies will most likely not be able to keep an attorney on staff, and they may only encounter legal concerns infrequently. However, addressing business law matters the right way can be crucial, and business owners will want to be aware of the issues that may affect them and their company. Some of the most common legal concerns small businesses […]
Can Your Business Afford Not to Have Outsourced General Counsel?
Posted on October 28, 2021

Large corporations often have several attorneys who work full-time and provide advice and various legal services to the company on a daily basis. They offer guidance on the everyday operations of the business, advise on contractual matters, and provide immediate representation when legal concerns arise. If you are an owner of or a leader in a small or medium-sized business, there is a good chance that your company cannot afford to hire a full-time in-house lawyer as a part of your team. That means your only option is to hire […]
Why is Outsourcing Becoming More Popular in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses?
Posted on June 24, 2021

As we have discussed in previous blogs, knowing how to delegate tasks is a crucial skill for business owners and business leaders alike. Delegating tasks frees up time to focus on higher-level responsibilities and ultimately helps you grow your business. More and more businesses are choosing to delegate by outsourcing certain services to outside providers. Read on to learn about the many benefits of outsourcing for small and medium-sized businesses. Reducing Costs and Freeing Up Funds for Other Projects For many businesses, the key benefit associated with outsourcing is saving […]
Lessons Many Business Leaders Wish They Learned Sooner
Posted on June 8, 2021

Managing a business is not for the faint of heart. A surprisingly large percentage of businesses do not make it past their one-year anniversary and even fewer see their five- or ten-year anniversary. To succeed as a small or medium-sized business leader, you must be continually vigilant for ways to improve and grow. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that each hardship you experience teaches you something. Read on to learn about some of the lessons that business owners and business leaders learned the hard […]
Seeking Advice from Qualified Experts Can Save You Time and Money
Posted on May 18, 2021

Owning or running a small business or startup is no easy feat. Business failure rates are quite grim. About one-fifth of small businesses fail within their first year. Only about half of all small businesses make it to the end of their fifth year. Two-thirds of small businesses shut their doors before they reach their 10-year anniversary. The good news is that many of the problems that lead small businesses to fail are preventable. One of the best ways to ensure that your business has the best chances of continued […]
The Importance of Tax Planning for Business Owners
Posted on April 13, 2021

Similar to last year, the individual tax filing deadline has been extended by the federal government. This year, the deadline was pushed back to May 17, 2021, which means that taxpayers have about four weeks to finish their tax returns and send them to the Internal Revenue Service. For an individual, putting off tax planning can lead to major stress and costly late fees. However, failing to prioritize tax planning is an even greater problem for business owners. If you own a business, the importance of proper tax planning cannot […]
How Collaborations With Other Companies Could Help Grow Your Business
Posted on March 9, 2021

When many people think about business ownership, they often consider a situation in which the owner of the business is on his or her own, trying to make the company work. Collaboration, however, is a critical part of today’s business landscape. On a personal level, we look out for our friends and neighbors, and the same can be true in the business world. There are a variety of ways for small-business owners to join forces, allowing them to exchange ideas, inspire product development, and grow their revenues. Networking Promotes Learning […]
The Importance of Business Succession Planning
Posted on March 4, 2021

If you are a business owner, you probably have an idea of what your company will look like in five years. But, what about in 10 years or 20 years? Will you still be in charge of the day-to-day operations or will you have handed the reins over to a successor—possibly even your own child or another member of your family. Assuming that you do not sell or close your business, you will, at some point, need to consider who you want stepping into your shoes as driving force behind […]