Tag: business law

Helpful Strategies for Managing Your Business During Tough Times

Posted on February 18, 2021

Naperville business lawyer

If you own and operate a business, you have undoubtedly witnessed the reality that the market is often cyclical. In some industries, certain times of the year are busier than others. For example, if you run a business that provides educational resources and tutoring, you are going to be the busiest during the school year. In other sectors, your company’s operating tempo may be dependent on factors such as commodity prices, consumer confidence, and the health of the global economy. A real estate agency, for example, may experience harder times […]

Posted in Business Law

The Dangers of Overbroad Non-Compete Agreements

Posted on November 10, 2020

non-compete, Naperville contract attorneys

Many employers require their workers to sign non-compete agreements (NCAs), especially when the employees have unique talents or abilities. Employers are within their rights to try and limit any damage that may be caused to their brand by an employee’s departure, but if they overstep legal bounds, the non-compete agreement may be declared invalid. As a business law attorney, I am often asked about non-compete agreements by my clients. I remind them that they must be careful when requiring employees to sign NCAs, but when used properly, such agreements can protect […]

Posted in Business Law

What You Should Know About Incurring Startup Debt for Your Business

Posted on October 28, 2020

debt, Naperville business law attorneys

As a small business owner and a business law attorney, I understand that starting a new business venture requires money—or capital, as it is often called in the in the corporate world. Some new owners fund their fledgling business through investors or with money they have set aside for just that purpose while others take out loans. According to a new study, the type of loans that a business owner takes out may be linked to the future success of his or her company. Business vs. Personal Loans Unless a […]

Posted in Business Law

Naperville Employment Attorney Discusses How to Contest an Unemployment Claim

Posted on July 31, 2015

When you hire a staff to help your company meet your customers’ needs, you are primarily focused on the ability of your employees to get the job done. You expect them to be punctual, efficient, and productive while contributing to your company’s continued success. From time to time, you will likely see employees leave to pursue other opportunities. You will also probably need to terminate a member of your staff on occasion for non-compliance with company policies or poor production. In such a situation, your former employee may seek to […]

Posted in Business Law

Know the Risks of a Personal Guarantee for Your Business Loan

Posted on July 22, 2015

For many small business owners, especially those who are just starting out, avenues for raising operating capital may be rather limited. If you are in such situation, you may have no choice but to apply for loan that requires you to offer a personal guarantee of its repayment. Over the years, many of my clients have come to me asking about the potential pitfalls of personally guaranteeing a loan, and while a personal guarantee business loan may be necessary, you should certainly understand what may be expected of you. Personal […]

Posted in Business Law

Small Business Attorney Examines the Illinois Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Posted on April 1, 2015

The recent passage of the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana has dominated headlines across the country, igniting fierce debate and harsh words from across the political spectrum. Many of my clients have been wondering if Illinois has passed or would consider passing similar legislation and how such a law would affect their rights as business owners. A large number are surprised to learn that Illinois, in fact, did pass a Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in 1998, and while similar in some ways to the Indiana law, also […]

Posted in Business Law

Resume Red Flags and Green Flags for Choosing the Right Employee

Posted on May 12, 2014

A well-crafted resume offers an employer a glimpse into the professional life of a potential new hire. A small business is only as good as the individuals it employs, and all small business owners must be careful to choose the right new employee. Our small business law attorneys at the the Gierach Law Firm have compiled this useful list of resume red flags and green flags in order to help you choose the perfect employee for the job. Resume Green Flags Resume green flags are those kernels of information contained […]

Posted in Business Law

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