Tag: will

Retirement Planning Should Be Part of Your Estate Plan

Posted on October 11, 2022

naperville estateplanning lawyer

Retirement planning is critical, and should ideally be started long in advance of your actual retirement date. By incorporating retirement planning into your overall estate plan, you can ensure that all your assets are properly handled and that necessary things like beneficiaries, transfer of ownership, and tax protection are in place for when you retire and also for when you pass away. For business owners, retirement planning is even more important. Retirement accounts and pensions must be addressed properly and thoroughly during retirement planning. There is an art to protecting […]

Posted in Estate Planning

What Happens to Your Property If You Die With A Mortgage?

Posted on September 22, 2022

naperville estate planning lawyer

Whether you are creating your own estate plans or a relative has recently passed away, dealing with estate planning matters can be confusing and overwhelming. If you are like most people, you are probably filled with questions. One of the most pressing questions is what happens to a deceased person’s financial obligations. For example, if someone still has a mortgage when they pass away, what happens to the property? Does the executor sell the property? What if there are other individuals still living in the home? What Happens to Debts […]

Posted in Estate Planning

How Do You Include Non-Family Members In Your Will?

Posted on September 8, 2022

naperville estate planning lawyer

Many assume that heirs named in a will are always direct blood relatives of the testator. However, for many, the most important individuals in their lives are not relatives. Furthermore, some people no longer have living relatives.  If you have people in your life who are deeply important to you but are not family members, you may be wondering how to include them in your will. There are a few different ways to do this, and the best way for you may depend on your specific circumstances. Proper estate planning […]

Posted in Estate Planning

Being Prepared for Where Life Takes You

Posted on August 26, 2022

naperville estate planning lawyer

We know how fragile life is just by hearing the news of the world each day. We often don’t think how directly that can hit us, though, and the simple steps we can take to prepare for it. Ensuring your family knows where important documents and passwords are, discussing end-of-life wishes with loved ones, and notifying your family of your funeral and burial preferences can greatly decrease the legal, financial, and emotional difficulties associated with your passing. Benefits of Having Difficult Discussions with Your Loved Ones A recent study demonstrated […]

Posted in Estate Planning

What Happens to The House When Someone Moves to a Nursing Home?

Posted on August 4, 2022

naperville estate planning lawyer

Millions of adults move into nursing homes as they get older. If you are planning to move into a long-term care facility, assisted living facility, or nursing home or you intend to move an aging relative to a facility, you may have many questions. Most people in your position wonder what will happen to the nursing home resident’s home when he or she moves to a nursing home. Will the home be sold? Will the home pass to the homeowner’s beneficiaries? Can proceeds from the home sale be used to […]

Posted in Estate Planning

Planning For Illness or Incapacitation Should Be a Priority

Posted on July 26, 2022

naperville estate planning lawyer

Surprisingly, approximately 67 percent of Americans do not have a will or other estate planning documents in place. This means that 67 percent of Americans have no way to ensure that their final wishes are followed. They have given up the chance to direct how their worldly possessions are distributed to loved ones upon their death. Perhaps even more importantly, these individuals have given up the right to have a say in medical and financial decision-making if they become incapacitated. Although it is sad to consider, heart attacks, car accidents, […]

Posted in Estate Planning

Are Handwritten Changes to Your Will Valid?

Posted on July 19, 2022

naperville estate planning lawyer

Writing a last will and testament is a crucial responsibility that many people neglect. When someone dies without a will, they forgo the chance to decide how their property is distributed to heirs. Wills may be used to determine which assets will be inherited by which heirs, appoint a guardian for minor children, describe funeral wishes, and more. Writing a will also saves surviving family members substantial stress and difficulty upon the testator’s death. Many people have questions about will requirements in Illinois. Do wills have to be typed to […]

Posted in Estate Planning

Can A Lawyer Be Your Executor in Your Estate Plan?

Posted on June 28, 2022

naperville estate planning lawyer

Determining how assets will be distributed to heirs is just one aspect of building a comprehensive estate plan. You must also decide who will serve as the executor of your estate. The executor has the crucial duty of carrying out your last wishes. The list of executor responsibilities is long – especially for individuals with high-value or complex estates. The executor of an estate files the decedent’s will with the county court, notifies beneficiaries and heirs, pays creditors, and distributes assets to the correct parties. Who you choose as your […]

Posted in Estate Planning

How Do You Divide Jewelry in an Estate?

Posted on June 22, 2022

naperville estate planning lawyer

Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and other types of jewelry often have great sentimental value as well as significant financial value. Determining how to address jewelry in your estate plan can sometimes be overwhelming. Should you leave all the jewelry to one individual or split jewelry up between your loved ones? Do you need to have the pieces appraised before assigning them to heirs through your will? Can children, grandchildren, and other loved ones figure out how to divide jewelry on their own after your passing? Whether it is your high school […]

Posted in Estate Planning

Should You Plan and Finance Your Funeral?

Posted on June 9, 2022

naperville estate lawyer

Although it can be uncomfortable to think about, it is important for everyone to consider how their final arrangements should be made. The average funeral costs upwards of $7,000. This can be a major expense for grieving family members to contend with. Consequently, many people choose to finance their funeral and burial ahead of time. They also make sure family members are aware of their preferences regarding funeral arrangements such as music or religious ceremonies. If you are creating your estate plans, take some time to think about pre-planning and […]

Posted in Estate Planning

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